Soccer tennis is a fun game that helps players develop their juggling ability.
It’s played on a tennis court or grass. A net is ideal but not necessary.
Read this article to learn how to set up a soccer tennis “court” and the guidelines of soccer tennis.
Setting Up the “Court”
Setting up a soccer tennis court takes a few minutes.
Use cones to form a line behind each player(s), a middle line dividing the halves, and two sidelines.
If you don’t have cones, get creative. Use items such as shirts, backpacks, and shin guards to create the “court.”
The Guidelines of Soccer Tennis
There are no set rules to soccer tennis, just guidelines. Here are the basic guidelines and variations:
Legal shots
Players can use their heads, thighs, feet, shoulders and chest to touch the ball.
Players use these legal body parts to hit the ball over the net into the opponent’s side of the court.
Like in tennis, the ball can only bounce one time in your court. You lose the point if the ball bounces twice.
You can also play with zero bounces.
Number of players
There is no set number of players. I’ve played soccer tennis 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 4 vs 4, and 13 vs 13.
Size of the “court”
There isn’t a specific size. Make the court as small or as big as you want.
Scale the court based on the number of players.
Amount of touches
Set the max amount of touches before the match starts.
Any number is acceptable. Some games are limited to “one touch” while other games allow unlimited touches.
Scoring occurs when the ball bounces twice or the other team kicks the ball out of play.
A ball is considered “out” if it leaves your “court.”
Scoring also occurs when the ball “hits the net”. If you aren’t playing with a net low kick is considered “hitting the net.”
Whether a ball “hits the net” isn’t an exact science. If there are arguments on whether your team “hit the net” the point should go to the opposite team.
If possible, elect a nonpartisan “referee.” He has the final say on who wins the point.
Who wins?
Decide what score you are “playing to” ahead of time.
Also decide if the winner has to “win by two.”